Professional Stain Removal - Couch Cleaners Dickinson TX

Your furniture won’t look right without its upholstery since this is what gives it color and character. But when your furniture fabric is dirty and stained, it loses its appeal and sort of makes your furniture look worse than it would if it didn’t have any coverings at all.

But if you call Dickinson Carpet Cleaning TX we can bring back the original look and feel of your upholstery. We have superior methods of cleaning your furniture’s upholstery such as using Microfiber Sofa Cleaning. If you need a thorough hand-cleaning that gives your furniture the tender care that it needs in Dickinson Texas, call us to schedule a cleaning.

For the extra stained and dirty upholstery, we use Furniture Steam Cleaner that soaks up the dirt and dust as well as stains with steam and not with strong chemicals that may not be good for the original colors. Since we are a professional sofa cleaning service, we have made extra effort in investing in superior methods of providing you with cleaning services that meet all your expectations for high quality in Dickinson Texas.

Our Offers

Our Couch Cleaning Services reaches deep in the seat’s upholstery to remove dirt, dust and smells that form over time. Your couch takes a lot of beating over the years all the way from kids jumping on it to your pets snuggling in it.

It also gets sat on and slept in. With time, sweat, body oils, dirt and dust take over creating odors that are not pleasant at times.

Our Company Location

Dickinson Carpet Cleaning
3503 Gulf Fwy,
Dickinson, TX 77539
Call Now At: 281-786-0516
Hours: Mon to Fri : 7 AM To 6 PM
Sat & Sun : 9 AM To 5 PM
Payment Methods